Should You Tuck Your Pants Into Your Hunting Boots?

Hunters like to make sure that every detail of their gear maximizes their chances of a successful hunt. Hunting boots and clothing are no exception. When you are out on the hunt, should you tuck your pants into your boots or pull them over your boots?

Wearing your pants tucked into your hunting boots will help control scent, keep pests away from you, and keep your pants clean and dry. However, if you are more comfortable with the pants outside of your boots, you can do that as long as you are taking steps to control the scent on your pants.

Keep Pests and Debris Out

When you’re trekking to the hunting stand, unwelcome pests might hop on for a ride as you walk by. Ticks, chiggers, spiders, ants and other bugs could make your time on the hunt unpleasant. Tuck your pants into your boots to keep them from getting inside your pants and boots where they can irritate or bite you.

If your local hunting grounds have lots of creepy crawlies, or if it’s just the time of year when the bugs are swarming, you may want to tuck.

Keep Your Pants Clean and Dry

If you’re passing through water, mud, or heavy brush on the way to the stand, your pants could get soiled. This can make for a wet and uncomfortable hunting experience. Tuck the pants in to help keep them clean and dry. If you like, you can pull them out of your boots once you reach the stand.

Scent Control

Besides personal comfort, the main reason to keep your pants inside the boot is to control your scent. If you’re not going to guard against scent on your pants, you will want to tuck your pants inside your boots, at least until you get to the hunting stand. You don’t want to leave the scent from your pants along the way as you trek through the brush. This will matter less if you are using leather boots instead of rubber, as the leather boots may have scent themselves.

Again, if you are more comfortable with pants outside the boot, you can tuck them into your boots just for the walk to the hunting stand, and then untuck them once you get there. Be sure to apply a scent control spray to the pant legs when you pull them out of your boots, as they have been stuffed inside the boot with your legs and socks.

You might just prefer to keep your pants outside of your boots at all times. If you have snug fitting boots, your boots could feel tight and constricted with the pants stuffed inside them.

You can certainly choose to always go untucked. However, you will want to make sure to minimize the scent of your pants as much as possible by taking the typical precautions.

  • Use ScentLok odor-controlling apparel.
  • Wash your hunting clothes with scent free detergent and air dry outside.
  • Store them in an airtight container away from the smells of you and your home.
  • Use scent control spray on your clothing when you’re out in the field.


When it comes to wearing your pants inside or outside your boots, there is no one right way. There are hunters who do it all one way, all the other way, or mix it up. It will depend on your personal comfort, the hunting conditions and terrain, and how concerned you are about controlling scent. If you feel confident about your handling of scent on your clothing, then you can let your personal comfort and preference dictate what to do.

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